Merchant Website:
Teacher's Discovery focuses on middle school and high school teacher and classroom supplies for Social Studies, English (ELA), and World Languages (Spanish, French, German, Italian). They carry over 5,000 products, from digital resources, activities, curricula, and teaching method books, to classroom décor, readers, posters, and more. Everything a teacher needs to be successful in the classroom can be found here!
Their top sellers:
FLANGOO™ Digital Reader Library. Their version of Netflix®, but with a library of best-selling Spanish, French, and German readers, complete with audio! Over 100 titles and growing. One account includes 150 student access accounts. FERPA and COPPA compliant. A 12-month subscription retails for $99.99, or a five-year subscription retails for $399.00.
VOCES® DIGITAL Complete World Language Curriculum. Voces is a collection of world language titles covering Spanish levels 1–AP®, French levels 1–AP®, Italian levels 1–4, and ESL levels 1–4, and incorporating grammar, vocabulary, and comprehensible input-based approaches to language learning. Includes automation, recording activities, stories with audio, videos, and more. A 12-month subscription retails between $100 to $499 per title, and there are nearly 20 titles.
SOCIAL STUDIES THEMATIC HYBRID UNITS for U.S. and World History, Geography, Economics, and Government. Each unit consists of a collection of fillable PDFs that cover a specific topic, with historical context readings, warm-ups, practice activities, primary sources, DBQs, and more. Perfect grab-and-go time-savers for any Social Studies teacher. Ideal for teaching in school, at home, or in any combination. Each unit ranges from $29.99 to $39.99 each, and there are over 30 units and 3 collection sets.
Date posted: Aug 31st, 2021
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